Who We Are

In 2009, my sisters and I started Bowls for Change with the hope we could have fun, be creative, and help change the world. All of our hand painted bowls are sold for $10.00 each. All the profits go towards providing hunger relief and clean water to people all over the world. Then, it is your turn. Place the purchased bowl on your dining room table as a reminder of those who daily go without food and clean water. Drop spare change into the bowl and when it is full, give the money to those in need. Join with us in our effort as we collect change to bring change!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thank YOu!

Thank you everyone for supporting us and other community artist at the Stallings Art Fest!
THANK YOU SHARON for the wonderful post on us in your blog! Check it out below...



  1. You guys are great! I love your causes and your idea with the bowls. So creative and so full of love. I think creativity is our expression of God, and you guys really embody this with your mission. I enjoyed sharing space beside you at "Art in the Park". I thought there was a really great energy there today. I hope you raised LOTS of money!!

  2. Hi friends, I was across from your booth at the Stallings Festival. We chatted a bit and I took your photos. You have started a great blog, keep up the good work. If I have your permission I would like to write a blog on what you are doing, post your photos, and give link to this website.
    But first I want to make sure it is okay.

    I wish you well...keep up your enthusiasm....Look at what Greg Mortensen accomplished from Mountain Climber to builder of hundreds and hundreds of schools in Afganistan. And there are many like him. You can and are part of this group of fine people who care about others.
