Who We Are

In 2009, my sisters and I started Bowls for Change with the hope we could have fun, be creative, and help change the world. All of our hand painted bowls are sold for $10.00 each. All the profits go towards providing hunger relief and clean water to people all over the world. Then, it is your turn. Place the purchased bowl on your dining room table as a reminder of those who daily go without food and clean water. Drop spare change into the bowl and when it is full, give the money to those in need. Join with us in our effort as we collect change to bring change!

Monday, June 28, 2010

money given so far...

$868.00 dollars has been donated to organizations such as Samaritans Purse, World Vision, and SIM.

Look! See BFC in the Charlotte Observer! 

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a wonderful thing with Bowls for Change! Your painting is beautiful, and your mission is wonderful. I just bought one of your bowls today at StallingsFest, and plan on putting it in the teachers lounge at my school to raise money for Ghana (http://org.elon.edu/pericleanscholars2010/).

    Thank you for all that you do!
